Fricke’n Coco scores three nice finds placing 3rd at the Dubois Field Trial with a huge 43 dog entry.
Fricke’n Coco scores three nice finds placing 3rd at the Dubois Field Trial with a huge 43 dog entry.
HiRollins Real Deal on a covey find at Dubois Field Trial
Getting ready for Dubois Trial with Skyview Triple Threat and Islander
Runner Up Champion Fricke’n Coco working woodcock
Summer training on pheasants Celtic’s Signature pointing, Lucky Luke Star backing.
Our 1st Annual Midnight Kennel Training Seminar was a big success! Several dozen participants and there dogs learned basic and advanced training techniques from professional trainers Robert Ecker and Mike Nemshick.
“You and Mike put on a nice event including your Mom’s lunch. By the way, your young lad most definitely has a career in sales.” Matt Bierman
Robert Ecker demonstrates whoa work with Champion Grousewoods Reese.
First ever Midnight Kennel birddog training seminar!
Trainers Mike Nemshick and Robert Ecker will host the seminar on Sunday, August 4th at the Freeland Kennel Club grounds( gps address: 258 south stage coach road weatherly, pa 18255)
Cost is $30 per person and dog (includes lunch and two birds)
Please RSVP to 570-778-3009 or